LYNNFIELD ROTARY recently hosted its 60th Anniversary Celebration at La Gallina last month. Club members, from left, Co-President Christine Travers, Sean Griffin, Bernie Caniff, Jack Moynihan, Maria Fernandez Donovan, Tom Adamczyk, Luke Kimball, Past District Governor Terry Rezendes Curran, Hilda Moynihan, Ron Block, Janice Casoli, Rotary District 7930 member Matt Piaker, Co-President Jamie Booth, Lynnfield High School Interact Club Outgoing President Sophia Calle, incoming LHS Interact Club President Megan Woods, LHS Interact Club member Maddie McCarthy, Bob Mackendrick, David Drislane and Rotary Foundation representative Elizabeth Curran had a great time at the event. (Courtesy Photo)


LYNNFIELD — Lynnfield Rotary recently hosted its 60th Anniversary Celebration at La Gallina at MarketStreet Lynnfield last month.

In addition to celebrating the Rotary Club’s 60th anniversary, the celebration served as the presidential “gavel pass” installation for the club.

Lynnfield Rotary members, Interact members and guests enjoyed delicious assorted food choices as Lynnfield Rotary President Christine Travers gaveled the celebratory meeting to order.

After welcoming comments and giving a brief outline of the night’s agenda, Travers introduced the first of the evening’s speakers, Luke Kimball. He is a Lynnfield Rotary past president and third generation Rotary member who represented a family steeped in Lynnfield Rotary history.

Kimball’s grandfather, John, as well as local businessman Ken Worthen of Worthen’s Market, founded Lynnfield Rotary in 1963. Kimball related his family’s lifelong commitment to Rotary, and ended his remarks by presenting a significant donation to Lynnfield Rotary from his family in honor of the milestone.


LUKE KIMBALL gave a history lesson about Lynnfield Rotary and his grandfather’s founding of Lynnfield Rotary in 1963 60th Anniversary Celebration last month. He also discussed his family’s involvement with Rotary, particularly his father Jay’s work. (Courtesy Photo)


Past President Tom Adamczyk spoke next. As a Rotary Club member for 35 years, Adamczyk recounted his many experiences as a Rotarian, especially establishing the first Rotary Golf Tournament. After convincing many skeptics, he spearheaded a very successful event that has become a staple event for Rotary ever since. Adamcyzk will be leading the golf tournament once again this year.

The “gavel pass” this year was unique in that it is the first time Lynnfield Rotary will have co- presidents. Travers and Calvary Christian Church Executive Pastor Jamie Booth will share the duties for the 2023-2024 year that began on July 1.

Two Paul Harris awards were presented to Ron Block and Jack Moynihan for their contributions during the year. Harris was the founder of Rotary, and the award created in his honor was established in 1957.


LYNNFIELD HIGH SCHOOL Interact Club members, from left, outgoing President Sophia Calle, senior Laura Guimaraes, senior Abigail Travers and Lynnfield Rotary President Christine Travers had a great time during Lynnfield Rotary’s 60th Anniversary Celebration at La Gallina at MarketStreet last month. (Courtesy Photo)


The final speaker was immediate Past District Governor Terry Rezendes Curran, who congratulated Lynnfield Rotary on its success and continued growth in the future. Rotary District 7930 Foundation Chair Liz Cullen also discussed the significant work funded by the Rotary Foundation, especially the commitment to eradicate polio. She commended Lynnfield Rotary members for their 100 percent participation to the Rotary Foundation.

Travers gaveled the meeting to adjourn, which followed Rotary’s motto “Service Above Self.”