Incoming Huckleberry Hill School principal



LYNNFIELD — Incoming Huckleberry Hill School Principal Lauren King is looking forward to building relationships with students, teachers and staff starting on July 1.

Interim Tom Geary appointed King, who is the current principal of Captain Samuel Brown School in Peabody, as Huckleberry Hill’s next principal in March. She will succeed retiring Principal Melissa Wyland, who has led Huckleberry Hill for the past five years.

“I am very excited to be joining you all on July 1,” said King during the School Committee’s May 22 meeting. “I have been meeting with and chatting with Melissa to make sure there is a smooth transition. I have been trying to pick her brain because I want to make sure we continue all of the positive and amazing things that happen at Huckleberry Hill School.”

King has served as Captain Samuel Brown School’s principal for the past six years. She worked as the assistant principal of Bancroft Elementary School in Andover from 2013-2018. King served as a learning specialist at Bancroft Elementary School from 2008-2013, which she said was a curriculum-based position. She worked as a general education teacher at Bancroft Elementary School from 2005-2008, where she taught third and fifth grade.

“I was in Andover for about 14 years,” said King.

King also taught second grade for The Learning Project Elementary School in Boston from 2001-2005.

“I have been in education for awhile and I have loved every minute of it,” said King. “I feel like every year is fresh, new and exciting. I think change helps keep me young and relevant, and helps me continue to be a better leader and learner as I learn from different communities, different teachers, different students and different families. I am excited to get a refresh in Lynnfield starting in July.”

School Committee Chair Kate DePrizio said she is “so glad” that King agreed to become Huckleberry Hill’s next principal. She asked King what is she looking forward to most when she takes over Huckleberry Hill School.

King said she is looking forward to building relationships with students, teachers, staff and families.

“I am most excited about the first day of school and welcoming the students,” added King. “It was great when I did the site visit, and I got to walk around and spend the whole day seeing learning happen in the classroom. I am really excited to meet the students and build those relationships. I am also looking forward to supporting the teachers.”

In response to a question from DePrizio, King said she just concluded a three-year term on the Georgetown School Committee.

“I am a one-and-done school committee type of person,” said King. “It was an awesome experience for me to see the other side of the coin and what happens on your side. I kind of like my side better. I get to work with the kids and the teachers, and delve into the thick of it. It was a great learning experience for me for three years, but I chose not to run again.”

DePrizio, who served on the Huckleberry Hill Principal Search Committee, said King “enjoys being a principal and being with students so much.”

While DePrizio is looking forward to having King take over Huckleberry Hill, she said Wyland is going to be missed. Wyland, who previously taught first grade, has worked at Huckleberry Hill for the past 22 years.

“I am sad to see Melissa go,” said DePrizio.