Published in the May 18, 2018 edition
MELROSE — The annual Wounded Vet Bike Run motorcycle ride is scheduled for this Sunday, May 20. The charity ride begins in Revere between 12:30 and 1 p.m. and should be in Melrose from approximately 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.
The riders will enter Melrose on Washington St. near Oak Grove and continue north on Washington Street to Fellsway East and the Lynn Fells Parkway. From the Parkway, they will turn left on Main St. toward Wakefield.
The organizers expect to have several thousand motorcycles who are riding in honor of wounded veterans. Please be aware that this event, which is a fund-raiser for wounded veterans, may disrupt traffic, and plan to avoid these areas during that time.
A further note from Chief Lyle
The leagues using the fields are reminded that Veterans Motorcycle ride will cover Washington Street to the Lynn Fells North on Main Street to Wakefield. The proposed time to start is anywhere from 12:30 -1 p.m., entering Melrose 40 to 45 minutes later. The motorcycle procession should clear the city 40 to 45 minutes later. Please note that these times are approximate.