Published April 4, 2019

NORTH READING — The Flint Memorial Library has had a tradition of hosting adult reading challenges such as read 16 in 2016, 17 in 2017, 18 in 2018.

This year we are trying something new.

North Reading Reads 2019 is inspired by the “Life Is Good” books by Bert and John Jacobs. Those who choose to participate may pick up a tote bag with a copy of the book and enter to win raffle prizes.

This reading program was launched on Monday and will run for two months through June 1.

Pass it on

The staff also encourage those who have finished the book to pass it on and inspire others with the “life is good” superpowers (love, authenticity, compassion, humor, fun, openness, creativity, gratitude, courage, creativity).

So stop by the library at 147 Park St. and pick up your free copy, read the book, jot a note inside the cover, and then pass it on to the next reader or return it to the library.

Participants may also register in person at the library for a chance to win raffle prizes. Share your #SOMETHINGGOOD to social media and for every post, Life is Good will donate $1 to charity.

Remember, life is not easy. Life is not perfect. Life is good. Start reading today.