Published July 26, 2019

MELROSE — This unusually active election season continues on its arc towards Decision Day, as a mayoral deadline is upon us in anticipation of the September 17 primary for the job of chief municipal officer.

Hopefuls have until 5 p.m. today, July 26, to obtain papers for nomination as mayor. As of Wednesday morning, five people are seeking the seat now held by Gail Infurna: Manisha Bewtra, Jackie Lavender Bird, Paul Brodeur, Monica Medeiros and Michael Zwirko. Bewtra, Medeiros and Zwirko are currently aldermen-at-large, Bird used to be one and so did Brodeur, who is now a state representative on Beacon Hill.

The top two vote getters at the September 17 primary will battle for the mayoral post in the general election held November 5.

Also on the November ballot will be three seats on the School Committee and every one on the Board of Aldermen (which by that time could be the City Council).

 There has been much activity among current aldermen and those who want to serve on the board. Most recently, for example, current President Jennifer Lemmerman said she would not  seek another term. She joins the ranks of those not running for reelection, which includes Scott Forbes in Ward 7, Peter Mortimer in Ward 6 and Frank Wright in Ward 3.

So far, incumbent John Tramontozzi plans to run again in Ward 1, Jeffrey McNaught has announced he will run for Lemmerman’s Ward 2 position on the Board of Aldermen, Robb Stewart will run in Ward 3, incumbent Robert Boisselle will run again in Ward 4 but is being challenged by Mark Garipay, Shawn MacMaster will run in Ward 5, Jennifer Grigoraitis will run in Ward 6 and Cory Thomas in Ward 7.

Kate Lipper-Garabedian will run again for an at-large aldermanic seat and be joined Leila Migliorelli, Chris Cinella, Maya Jamaleddine, Peter Navarra and Jack Eccles. There are four alderman-at-large positions.

The School Committee positions up for election in November are currently held by Margaret Driscoll, Lizbeth DeSelm and Ed O’Connell.

 Nomination papers may be obtained only by a candidate or a person presenting a signed authorization for a candidate. The last day to obtain nomination papers for Mayoral candidates for the September 17, 2019 Preliminary Election is Friday, July 26. The deadline for submitting mayoral nomination papers is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 30.

The last day to obtain nomination papers for the local (November) election is Friday, September 13, 2019. The deadline for candidates to submit local election nomination papers is Tuesday, September 17, 2019 by 5 p.m.

Prior to obtaining nomination papers, each candidate must file a statement containing his/her name and address and the office for which he/she intends to run with the Election Office.

Before any voter may be permitted to sign a nomination paper, said paper must be completely filled out with the candidate’s name and address (number and street) as they appear on the 2019 voting list and the office to which he/she seeks nomination. For more information, please contact the Election Office at 781-979-4125.

At the November election, the following officials will be elected to a term of FOUR YEARS: Three (3) MEMBERS OF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE, to be chosen by and from the qualified voters of the entire city.

The following officials are to be chosen for a term of TWO YEARS: Four (4) ALDERMAN-AT-LARGE, to be chosen by and from the qualified voters of the entire city; One (1) ALDERMAN, to be chosen by and from the qualified voters of each of the seven (7) wards.

The minimum number of signatures to be certified on nomination papers to place candidates on ballot is as follows:

Mayor – 150, School Committee – 150, Alderman-At-Large – 150, Alderman Ward ONE – 20, Alderman Ward TWO – 20, Alderman Ward THREE – 20, Alderman Ward FOUR – 20, Alderman Ward FIVE – 20, Alderman Ward SIX – 20, Alderman Ward SEVEN – 20

To seek public office, you must be:

• 18 years of age

• An American citizen

• A registered voter

• A resident of Melrose