Published in the December 9, 2016 edition.


WAKEFIELD — The Wakefield Arts and Crafts Society, in existence for more than a century, met for their annual Christmas luncheon at the Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church on

JAMES (JIM) MALLETT showed a picture of a beautiful quilt his wife Cindy made prior to her death in April 2016. Cindy was former president of the Wakefield Arts and Crafts Society. (Gail Lowe Photo)

JAMES (JIM) MALLETT showed a picture of a beautiful quilt his wife Cindy made prior to her death in April 2016. Cindy was former president of the Wakefield Arts and Crafts Society. (Gail Lowe Photo)

Vernon Street Tuesday, Dec. 6.

After a hearty lunch of various salads, chicken salad and meatball sandwiches and desserts, Reading’s Nancy Smethurst — the organization’s president — gave a short presentation on the group’s state of affairs.

Entertainment was provided by the Wakefield Memorial High School’s choral group “Voices of Steel” with Christmas music.

Smethurst and others also had available for purchase seasonal handcrafts that could be given as gifts.

James (Jim) Mallett attended and showed a picture of a beautiful quilt handcrafted by his wife Cindy. She served as president until her death in April 2016.

Coming up in the new year are sessions with Joe Leto (photographing your crafts), Marcia Kent (rug hooking) and Brian Kimerer (making musical instruments).

On April 8 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. the annual exhibit and sale will be held and on May 2 the group will hold their annual meeting and luncheon.

A 2017 field trip is also in the planning stages.

Community projects are ongoing and include Project Linus, knitted or crocheted baby hats, fleece comfort bears, heart pillows and shawls for cancer patients and other charity projects.

Membership is open by jury approval. Articles must be of two different crafts or two different techniques of the same craft.

For more information, visit or call Nancy at 978-851-4608.

Guests are welcome at regular monthly meetings. A $5 donation is suggested for each meeting attended.

The Wakefield Arts and Crafts Society was established in 1915 by ladies from Wakefield under the name Wakefield Handicraft Society. The membership grew in number until 1919 when it was decided to limit the membership to 75.

This number was increased in 1964 to 100. As the Society evolved, so has its purpose as stated in current bylaws: “To cultivate interest in arts and crafts and to promote and improve work in all branches of handicraft.”