Published in the April 21, 2017 edition
MELROSE — On Saturday, May 6, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, the Ell Pond Improvement Council, in collaboration with the Melrose Unitarian Church, will sponsor its annual cleanup and restoration day at the memorial knoll shoreline across from the middle school.
Volunteers can assist in shrub planting, invasive species removal, riparian no-mow fencing, litter pick-up and other activities. Volunteers should bring work gloves and yard tools.
Canoes and kayaks are encouraged to help with hard-to-reach areas like the Main Street shoreline.
Refreshments and pizza will be served afterwards. Rain date Sunday May 7.
The Ell Pond Improvement Council, Inc. welcomes new members. Call 781-526-7383 for more information.