Published in the October 13, 2015 edition.
WAKEFIELD — The Wakefield Garden Club (WGC) opens its 2015-2016 season on Wednesday, Oct. 14 along with other neighboring garden clubs.
This event is the Annual Joint Club Meeting where groups from the Crystal Garden Club, Reading, North Reading and Lynnfield as well as Wakefield Garden Club come together and share a guest speaker. This year is Lynnfield’s turn to host at the Center Congregational Church, 5 Summer St.
The guest speaker is Lara Lepoinka, founder of Backyard Growers of Gloucester. Ms. Lepoinka will present a slide show illustrating her work which involves partnering with the Gloucester community in planting over 150 raised beds. Her work involves with non-profit groups that include The Food Project, The Open Door, Cape Ann Farmers Market and local public grade schools. She is also known for her artistic talents.
WGC agenda for this season has a diverse range of topics for members and their guests to enjoy and learn. Co-Presidents Cheryl Krasker and MaryAnne Carmody would like to thank VP of programming Ellen Hennessy for her outstanding choices that WGC members will appreciate. For membership information, please call Jan Thomas, 781-245-4649,
Civic Betterment is one of any Federated Garden Club objectives. WGC members recently were at work to refresh two of Wakefield’s visible sites. The Welcome to Wakefield sign now has an Autumn display. Cleaning up spent summer blooms and planting chrysanthemums and cabbage, along with adding a touch of pumpkins, hay and corn husks completed the new season’s look. The other site was that at the Hartshorne House at the The Better Homes and Garden Rock. Both sites had Autumn Joy sedum as anchor plantings from the spring since they are a favorite perennial. The chrysanthemums were obtained from The Willow Tree on Salem Street.