Published in the December 23, 2016 edition
MELROSE — Donations to the Melrose Emergency Fund topped $38,000 this week, with donations from several local businesses, including Sexton & Donohue, Williams & Alley Insurance and Kells Craft Construction.
“I want to thank all those who have contributed so generously to the Emergency Fund during this holiday season,” said Mayor Robert J. Dolan. “They have helped ensure that many Melrose families will have a warmer, happier holiday and that there will be help for them when the need arises throughout the year.”
The Emergency Fund provides one-time help to Melrose residents experiencing financial emergencies. All donations go directly to aid, with no administrative costs, and the fund administrator makes referrals to other local agencies if needed.
Watch for the Emergency Fund holiday special, featuring Mayor Dolan and other City Hall staff, which will be running frequently throughout the month of December on MMTV.
Recent donors to the Emergency Fund include:
Jerrold and Donna Larsson
Marie-Josee Bonneau and Martin Tremblay
Joyce Zeiner
John and Carol Brandano
Frank T. Paolino
The Shinkwin Family
Keith and Bauhinia DiMatteo
Jason and Kerry Webb
Brian and Mary McNiff
Susan and Edward Hollingshead
Michael and Sue Anne Kostur
Richard and Julie Gordon
Enrico and Nelaine Vinciarelli
Suzanne and Steve Locke
Michael and Susan Morris
John and Christine Oteri
Susan Sorrenti
David and Carol Newell
Maureen Elia
Melrose School Nurses
The McCarthy Family
Helen Cronin and Leanne Berlinsky
Francis and Marguerite Squatrito
Bernadette Kennedy
William and Christine LeDuc
A. David Metell
Nancy McLellan
Dr. James Timmons and Mary Timmons
Kathleen Collins
Richard and Ann Spataro
Anthony and Judith Pecci
Michele Ford Guihan
Barbara and Michael Cassavoy
Mary Werler and Gary Pzegeo
Elaine and Jeffrey Bemis
Paula and Glen Emelock
Eleanor and Marco Marchi
The McLean Family
Leone Fagan and Jean Bell
Bart Galvin
Annetta Boisselle
Peter and Mary Jo Regan
Sara M. Shelton
Jon and Claire Scarborough
Charles J. Sheridan
David Eckler and Ellen McGlynn
Henry and Maura Bagley
Bruce and Lois Mackey
Elsie MacDonald
George and Siobhan Haldeman
Leonard and Joanne Colasanti
Melrose Emblem Club No. 89
Jill and Jeffrey Brogan
Esther Parsons
Robert Christiansen
Annabelle Shields
Ralph and Roberta Puopolo
Brian and Katielynn Getty
David and Kathleen Driscoll
Mary Edwards
Beverly Krusemark
Jill and Steve Geisler
Jack and Amy Beckley
The MacIntosh Family
Kells Craft Construction
Lynne and Peter Reveno
Sandra Dixon and Tracey Cruickshank
David and Maureen Kourtz
John and Mimi Lynch
Karen and Lawrence Capuano
Yvonne and Peter Vanderhorst
Diana and James Reppucci
Jan and Lou Crafts
Jean Robinson and Stanley Smiley
Debrah and Kevin Brooks
Robert and Susan Walsh
Danielle and Joseph Sullivan
Ed and Ginny Colbert
Bob and Sara Linnehan
Deborah Hurley
Williams & Alley Insurance
Ron Alley
To make a donation, send a check to Melrose Emergency Fund, Mayor’s Office, 562 Main St., Melrose MA 02176 or bring it directly to the Mayor’s Office on the second floor of City Hall. Checks should be made out to the City of Melrose, with “Melrose Emergency Fund” in the memo line. For more information about the fund, call 781-979-4440.