THE INTERGENERATIONAL Sunday service at Emmanuel Episcopal Church of Wakefield on Sunday, Sept. 8 at 10 a.m. will feature a Blessing of the Backpacks followed by a BBQ and parish picnic. The Rev. Brett R. Johnson of North Reading (center) is joined by the children of the parish on the altar as he prepares the Holy Eucharist during the June intergenerational service. (Courtesy Photo)



WAKEFIELD — Emmanuel Episcopal Church will usher in fall on Sunday, September 8, at one intergenerational 10 a.m. service, featuring a Blessing of the Backpacks during the service and followed by a festive barbecue and parish picnic.

“We kick off our program year with an Intergenerational Sunday. I love this service! We invite the children and youth of the parish to participate fully in our worship,” said the Rev. Brett R. Johnson, Rector. “Children welcome parishioners as ushers, do readings, and join me on the altar as I prepare the Holy Eucharist. The joy of the Holy Spirit ignites the entire congregation. Come join us!”

The parish will also welcome its new organist and Music Director, Luca Cantone, at this service.

On Sunday, September 15, the church will return to its traditional two-service worship schedule with a quiet, intimate service at 8 a.m. and a more family-oriented service, featuring music and choir, church school, and childcare at 10 a.m.

Emmanuel will observe several well-loved traditions later in the month. On Sunday, September 22, the church will celebrate “Sundae Sunday,” featuring ice cream sundaes after the 10 a.m. service. Lastly, on Sunday, September 29, Emmanuel will commemorate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, holding its annual Blessing of the Animals at 12 Noon on its Main Street lawn. The community is invited to bring their pets, stuffed animals, and pictures of beloved companions for a special blessing.

To learn more about Emmanuel and meet our clergy and leadership, visit our table at Wakefield Town Day on Saturday, September 21, from 1-4 p.m. or visit

Emmanuel Episcopal Church is located at 5 Bryant Street in Wakefield, across from the Upper Common at the corner of Main Street. The church and parish hall are both fully accessible. Rev. Johnson is a longtime resident of North Reading.

All are not only welcomed; all are wanted and belong! Join us!