Nearly 14 percent election turnout

Published in the March 11, 2018 edition


LYNNFIELD — Three political newcomers and eight incumbents were elected to office during Tuesday’s Town Election.

According to the official results released by Town Clerk Trudy Reid on Tuesday night, 1,253 voters out of the town’s 9,061 registered voters cast ballots in the Town Election, totaling 13.83 percent.

In the three-way race for two seats on the School Committee, Ford Avenue resident Phil McQueen and School Committee Chairman Tim Doyle were each elected to three-year terms. Edgemere Road resident Kimberlee Kossover Hansen came up short in her first run for public office.

McQueen topped the school board race with 839 votes. McQueen received 280 votes in Precinct 1, 177 in Precinct 2, 187 in Precinct 3 and 195 in Precinct 4.

“I am honored to represent all of the students and stakeholders of Lynnfield on the School Committee,” said McQueen in a statement sent to the Villager. “It truly takes a village, and we are so very grateful to everyone who helped us, and came out and voted McQueen. Thank you.”

Doyle was elected to his second consecutive term after receiving 676 votes. He received 201 votes in Precinct 1, 136 in Precinct 2, 158 in Precinct 3 and 181 in Precinct 4. Doyle previously served on the School Committee from 2000-2012, and has been the committee’s chairman for the past two years.

“First, I congratulate all of the candidates that ran to serve our community,” said Doyle in a statement. “It’s an honor to continue to serve the citizens of Lynnfield on the School Committee. I will continue to work with educators, parents, students and all citizens to advance our outstanding schools. I look forward to a positive and collaborative term.”

Kossover Hansen received 575 votes in the School Committee race. She received 163 votes in Precinct 1, 139 in Precinct 2, 149 in Precinct 3 and 124 in Precinct 4.

Kossover Hansen congratulated McQueen and Doyle for being elected and re-elected respectively to the school board.

“I want to share a heartfelt thank you for all of your help and support throughout my campaign,” said Kossover-Hansen in a statement sent to the Villager. “I would be remiss if I didn’t also thank my family for their love, flexibility and unwavering support. This journey has been eye opening and exhilarating. Through the process of coming to better understand your issues, I have realized how much the people in this community, whether they have children in the system or not, truly care about our schools and our children’s education.”

MarketStreet Advisory Committee member John Gioioso defeated Planning Board member Scott Gromko in a race for a two-year term.

Gioioso, who will be filling the remaining two years of former Planning Board co-Chairman John Faria’s five-year term, received 809 votes. He received 225 votes in Precinct 1, 205 in Precinct 2, 213 in Precinct 3 and 166 in Precinct 4.

“I want to thank my supporters who worked so diligently on my behalf,” said Gioioso in a statement. “I couldn’t have done it without them and want to thank them for their hard work, support and friendship. I also want to thank the Lynnfield residents who came out to vote and show their support on my behalf, and for believing that my experience and qualifications would be a good fit for the Planning Board. I will work hard on behalf of the community to maintain the integrity of the town.”

Gromko received 255 votes in the election. He received 96 votes in Precinct 1, 35 in Precinct 2, 40 in Precinct 3 and 84 in Precinct 4.

“I’d like to congratulate my opponent John Gioioso,” said Gromko in a statement. “He ran a strong campaign and built a team to share his message, which helped him win this seat. This shows he has the vision, passion and ability to work in a team to meet goals, which will serve him well as a Planning Board member.”

Selectman Chris Barrett was elected to a second three-year term after receiving the most votes of any of the candidates in the Town Election with 967. He received 302 votes in Precinct 1, 204 in Precinct 2, 228 in Precinct 3 and 233 in Precinct 4.

After Town Clerk Trudy Reid swore in Barrett, Gioioso and McQueen during Tuesday’s Board of Selectmen meeting, the selectmen reorganized. Selectman Dick Dalton was appointed as chairman, Selectman Phil Crawford was appointed vice chairman and Barrett as clerk.

Town Moderator Arthur Bourque was elected to a one-year term after receiving 891 votes. Bourque, who has served as town moderator since 2012, received 268 votes in Precinct 1, 193 in Precinct 2, 209 in Precinct 3 and 221 in Precinct 4.

Library Trustees Russell Boekenkroeger and Dr. Janine Rodrigues-Saldanha were each elected to three-year terms. Rodrigues-Saldanha received 820 votes, 244 in Precinct 1, 183 in Precinct 2, 194 in Precinct 3 and 199 in Precinct 4.

Boekenkroeger received 691 votes in the Town Election. He received 206 votes in Precinct 1, 152 votes in Precinct 2, 154 in Precinct 3 and 179 in Precinct 4.

Planning Board member Katherine Flaws was elected to a five-year term after receiving 855 votes. Flaws, who was appointed to the Planning Board in a joint meeting with the selectmen and Planning Board last December, received 272 votes in Precinct 1, 177 in Precinct 2, 205 in Precinct 3 and 201 in Precinct 4.

Board of Assessors Chairman Donald Garrity was re-elected to a three-year term after receiving 874 votes. Garrity received 270 votes in Precinct 1, 181 in Precinct 2, 211 in Precinct 3 and 212 in Precinct 4.

Political newcomer Jim Wilkie, 4 Partridge Ln., was elected to a five-year term on the Housing Authority, after receiving 855 votes. Wilkie, who succeeds former member Susan Broder, had 272 votes in Precinct 1, 182 in Precinct 2, 200 in Precinct 3 and 201 in Precinct 4.