CITY COUNCILOR CHRIS CINELLA and candidate for Melrose Mayor Jen Grigoraitis


MELROSE – Melrose City Councilor At-Large and former City Council President Chris Cinella has endorsed Jen Grigoraitis for Mayor of Melrose. Jen Grigoraitis currently serves as Melrose City Council President and Ward 6 City Councilor.

City Councilor Cinella said, “I am excited to publicly endorse Jen Grigoraitis for Mayor. As a current resident and someone who also grew up in Melrose from a family with deep roots in public service, I care deeply about the direction of the City and having a mayor who is invested in our community. Jen has the management experience to provide smart, steady and fiscally responsible leadership for Melrose residents.”

Cinella continued, “On the Council and in her professional role, Jen has a proven record of bringing people together and solving tough challenges, I’ve seen it firsthand and know that she is without doubt the mayor that Melrose needs. As the Council President in 2020, Jen ensured that a global pandemic didn’t stop us from governing: she moved us to remote meetings, ensured Councilors had the information they needed, sought our input and got to work tackling hard problems in a time of crisis. Since then, she has not stopped leading for Melrose and I have not once seen her seek credit. Jen has demonstrated that she has the skills and experience and we need her leadership.”

Grigoraitis said, “It is an honor to have City Councilor Chris Cinella’s endorsement for mayor. Chris has dedicated his life to supporting and improving Melrose. He and I have different backgrounds and occasionally come from different political places, but we have worked closely together to support the needs of Melrose residents and keep our City strong. Chris is a champion for Melrose and an incredible colleague and friend and his endorsement is very meaningful.”