PINK FLAMINGOS ON their way to your front lawn!
MELROSE — The famous Melrose Education Foundation pink flamingos are coming to a lawn near you! Flock your friends, neighbors or yourself for a great cause. Order a flock today and a “flamboyance” of pink yard flamingos will land overnight and then fly away 24 hours later. And best of all, every flock donation supports the Ed Foundation’s grants awarded directly to Melrose teachers.
A flock of flamingos in the front yard is a great surprise for anyone to wake up to in the morning. And it’s also a fantastic way to have fun with your very important donation to the Melrose Education Foundation. The Melrose Education Foundation is a volunteer-run nonprofit organization that supports innovation and excellence in the Melrose Public Schools with grants to empower educators and forums to engage the community. Donations and support from our community make this happen.
Find all the details about the flamingo fundraiser and learn more about the Melrose Education Foundation’s work with the Melrose Public Schools at our website,
We count on and greatly appreciate your support!