Published in the February 23, 2018 edition
There are a hundred or so reasons why Melrosians call a great city home. It has beautiful parks, awesome restaurants, tree-lined streets and an involved citizenry. Melrose’s business community cares about its customers and puts on important events throughout the year to show it. Kids get a good education here, with many going on to study at esteemed colleges and universities.
But in our opinion, there is something else about this city that sets it apart. Melrose is not afraid to try new things, and in many instances the city is ahead of the curve when a supposed fad becomes a trend.
Take green energy for example.
In this week’s issue, we reprint a post from Mayor Gail Infurna’s blog in which she sings the praises of Martha Grover, the city’s Energy Efficiency manager — how many places have one of those? — and the Melrose Energy Commission.
The city’s green energy program is a success by any measure.
Here’s a few reasons why.
Melrose Energy Challenge reaps rewards: “In 2016, we took the Melrose Energy Challenge and succeeded in surpassing all of our MassSave home energy assessment goals. Because we met this and other milestones, National Grid awarded Melrose $34,000, which funded:
• An XL Hybrid system on our new water tech van which will save 25% on fuel usage and costs;
• Solar-powered LED lighting at the Melrose Dog Park and four more will be installed at the new Pine Banks Dog Park in the spring;
• An outdoor water bottle filling station at Fred Green Athletic Complex;
• A Soofa solar-powered phone charging bench at the Melrose Common and another one on the way to the high school campus this spring
Greener buildings use less energy: “In 2017 Melrose received our fourth Green Community grant for $217,484. This helped fund energy efficiency projects at the Lincoln Elementary School, the Milano Center, and the middle and high schools. Energy efficiency projects in all of our buildings have helped the city avoid significant utility cost increases over the past five years, despite the fact that our schools and other public buildings are used around the clock, now more than ever before.”
Solar successes: “The installation of a 60Kw solar array is underway this month on the south-facing roof of the DPW facility on Tremont Street, and Melrose will also purchase electricity at a discounted rate from a new solar parking lot canopy that will be installed this year at the Oak Grove T station.
“In addition, Melrose was one of the first cities in the country to receive the SolSmart designation, which recognizes our success in making it easier for people and businesses to go solar by reducing the “soft costs” of permitting and planning solar installations.
Electric vehicles: “We purchased our third all-electric fleet vehicle in 2017 which will be shared by city employees. Efforts to make our fleet more fuel efficient has reduced overall vehicle fuel use by over 25 percent in the last eight years.
“We also are adding a second charging station in the Cedar Park commuter lot, in addition to the one in the City Hall parking lot. Last year, we joined 276 cities around the country and took part in National Drive Electric Week at the Victorian Fair for the first time. Look for a bigger and better electric vehicle showcase in 2018.
Downtown micro-grid: “Melrose has made it to the final round in a selection process for funds to build a micro-grid in downtown Melrose. This would give us more resiliency in case of an extended power outage.
Coming attractions: “Our plans for 2018 include starting the process to develop a solar canopy over the Melrose High School parking lot; bringing back the popular Community Electricity Aggregation Program; and updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan to include impacts from climate change on our infrastructure, environment, and vulnerable populations.
“In addition, Melrose is an active participant in the Metro Mayors Climate Preparedness Task Force and is committed to being Net Zero/Carbon Free by 2050. We’re incorporating net zero energy components in future building renovations, including the plans for the new public safety and library projects, as we know these facilities will be used for the next 75 years or more.”
This a city that thinks about the future. We’re grateful it does.