Posted on: Thursday, March 12, 2020
The Melrose School Committee is pleased to announce the scheduling of school district visits and interviews for its finalists for the position of Superintendent of Schools.
Dr. Josh Vadala, currently serving as Assistant Superintendent for the Revere Public Schools, will be visiting our school district on Monday, March 16th; Mr. Ben Lummis, currently serving as Interim Superintendent for the Brookline Public Schools, will be visiting Melrose on Tuesday, March 17th; and Dr. Julie Kukenberger, currently serving as Interim Superintendent for the Hamilton-Wenham Public Schools, will be visiting with us on Wednesday, March 18th.
As part of the finalists’ respective visits, time has been set aside for a Meet-and-Greet with Parents, Caregivers, and Community Members in the Melrose High School Learning Commons from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. on each date. The School Committee welcomes the attendance and participation of all community members in these sessions.
Additionally, on each night of the scheduled visits – March 16th, March 17th, and March 18th – the Melrose School Committee will be meeting in the Melrose High School Learning Commons at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of interviewing each of the finalists. All are welcome to attend these special School Committee meetings.