DPW WORKERS are in the process of putting down a new surface at the Wakefield Dog Park on Main Street in the Junction. Last May, Town Meeting approved $6,000 for a new surface, which will be mulch. Workers are currently putting a base layer of sand down. The mulch will go on top. DPW Director Richard Stinson could not give an exact date when the Dog Park will re-open, but said that the resurfacing project should not take much longer to complete. (Mark Sardella Photo)

DPW WORKERS are in the process of putting down a new surface at the Wakefield Dog Park on Main Street in the Junction. Last May, Town Meeting approved $6,000 for a new surface, which will be mulch. Workers are currently putting a base layer of sand down. The mulch will go on top. DPW Director Richard Stinson could not give an exact date when the Dog Park will re-open, but said that the resurfacing project should not take much longer to complete. (Mark Sardella Photo)

Published in the August 25, 2017 edition.