NORTH READING — North Reading will be the “place to be” for yard-salers on Saturday, April 27 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

The annual Townwide Yard Sale, sponsored by the Friends of the North Reading Council on Aging (FONRCOA), draws shoppers from near and far. It is a fundraiser to help continue and build on the efforts of the Friends to support North Reading’s growing “over 60” population with interesting programming and services through the Edith A. O’Leary Senior Center.

This year there are more than 70 participants at their homes and businesses as well as 12 participants at North Reading Town Hall, 235 North St. Also, watch for our famous “Gift Card” raffle at Town Hall, which includes gift cards to local businesses. You can be sure there will be plenty of treasures to find.

The maps designating all locations as well as the variety of items being sold at each location, can now be found at Town Hall, Flint Memorial Library, 147 Park St.; the Senior Center, 157 Park St.; and Ryer’s Store, 162 Park St., as well as at each location on the day of the sale.

Be sure to put Saturday, April 27 on your calendar and follow the bright pink signs to help direct you to the yard sale locations around town. A QR code that will direct you to our digital map can also be found on the Pink Posters around town.