MANY MEMBERS of the clergy were among the 200 guests in attendance to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the ordination of Rev. Dr. Richard A. Hughes on Sunday. From left: the Rev. Amanda Harmeling and the Rev. Elva Merry who were members of the Union Congregational Church when they were called to ministry; Rev. Hughes; former student ministers the Rev. Martha Leahy and the Rev. Kate Pinkham; and Area Minister the Rev. Alex Shea Will. (Courtesy Photo)




NORTH READING — The sanctuary of the Union Congregational Church was filled to capacity Sunday morning as members, past and present, friends and colleagues came together to celebration the 40th anniversary of the ordination of the Rev. Dr. Richard A. Hughes.

Rev. Rick was ordained to the Christian ministry on June 26, 1983 in the First Congregational Church of Whitman, Mass. followed by nine years of service as the associate pastor of the First Congregational Church in South Portland, Maine.

But the majority of his service has been spent right here in North Reading, where he was called to become the senior pastor of the church 31 years ago as the successor to the former senior pastor, Rev. Harold B. Fohlin, who had served UCC for a quarter century.

The mood was light and festive, and the service began with a piano prelude of “Fur Elise” by student Ben Sliski and messages to the children by Pastor Gayle McGlauflin reminding them that “flat Jesus” is available to take on summer vacations. Music was a large part of the service, with combined choral music provided by the UCC Chancel Choir and the Ipswich River Community Chorus, which rehearses and performs at UCC and is a group Rev. Rick has sung with in the past.

Photos were flashed on the screen above the altar, including one sent by one the first couples Rev. Rick had wed over 35 years ago. He commented that when he saw this photo after so many decades what came to mind immediately was Paul’s letter to the Corinthians: “Love never ends.” He added, “And I still have a lot of love for the people there just as I have so much love for all of you here.”

There was another photo of Rick as a fifth-grader, the age he was when he first felt a calling to ministry, he told the children during his Children’s Message. He would be a college student before he made the decision to seriously pursue it as his vocation.

Rev. Rick said he was blessed to have so many former members who answered their call to ordination in attendance at this service where he would renew his vows, including the Rev. Amanda Harmeling and the Rev. Elva Merry. Additionally, former student ministers in attendance to join in the celebration included Rev. Martha Leahy and Rev. Kate Pinkham.

The Rev. Alex Shea Will, who is the Area Minister for the Metropolitan Boston Association of the United Church of Christ, delivered the sermon and also officiated the renewal of vows by Rev. Rick. This included the laying on of hands, first by the clergy and then the entire congregation, concluding with the Prayer of Consecration.

At the conclusion of the service, Rev. Rick personally greeted each attendee in the reception line. A collation was held in Fellowship Hall and on the grounds of the church where the pastor’s famous lobster rolls were the centerpiece of the refreshments served, along with strawberry shortcake.

See more photos here.