Published in the February 20, 2018 edition.
WAKEFIELD — The Board of Selectmen approved 10 more small departmental budgets last week. Town accountant Kevin Gill presented the FY 2019 budgets, which he said all together were up about 3 percent over last year. Most of the department heads were on hand at the meeting to answer any questions.
Gill said that the $202,875 Town Treasurer’s budget included an increase of $2,657, all of which reflected negotiated contractual salary increases. The selectmen approved the budget with no discussion.
The Tax Collector’s budget was up $8,343, Gill said, which was also due to negotiated salary increases. After a brief discussion, the board approved the Tax Collector’s budget at $255,954.
The Assessors budget was up $9,185, according to Gill, all of which was for negotiated salary increases. The selectmen approved the $226,068 budget with no discussion.
Gill said presented the Town Clerk’s budget at a total of $202,502. There was a $4,059 increase over last year, reflecting contractual raises. Selectman Tony Longo asked Town Clerk Betsy Sheeran when she expected to have a centralized voting location, doing away with neighborhood polling places. Sheeran said that she hoped to have it instituted by the State Primary election in September. The board approved the Town Clerk’s budget.
The selectmen approved the level-funded Election Registration budget at $41,000.
Gill presented the Health Department’s budget at $239,472, including a $25,520 hike. Gill said that there was an increase of $10,835 in professional services associated with the contract with Melrose. (Wakefield and Melrose have a combined Health Department.) There was also a $16,835 bump in contractual services as well as a new cost of $6,000 for mental health and wellness services. After a brief discussion, the selectmen approved the Heath Department budget.
The level-funded Miscellaneous Selectmen’s budget was approved at $25,125. This budget is used to to fund such expenses as running Town Meeting (paying the checkers and the custodians) as well as for some town employee training.
The General Insurance budget was approved with no discussion at $392,845, including an increase of $3,895. Gill explained that this budget is used for building and motor vehicle insurance as well as professional liability insurance.
The Medicare budget was approved at $709,000, including a $26,600 increase.
The level-funded $500,454 Worker’s Compensation budget was approved with no discussion.
These budgets will also be scrutinized by the Finance Committee before going before the voters at Town Meeting in May.
The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to accept a “Disclosure of Appearance of Conflict of Interest” as required under Massachusetts General laws from Town Administrator Stephen P. Maio. Maio has been asked to serve on the committee that will screen applicants for the Superintendent of Schools position. Maio has relatives who work for the School Department.
In other business last week, the Board of Selectmen:
• Approved a request from Wakefield Fire Chief Michael Sullivan to accept and expend a gift to the Fire Department in the amount of $1,000.00 from Mun Su Sa Buddhist Temple, Inc.
• Approved a request from Town Treasurer John J. McCarthy Jr. to transfer $119,037.50 from the Town’s capital projects account at The Savings Bank to the Town’s general fund to pay bonds.
• Approved a request from Library Director Catherine McDonald to accept and expend gifts to the Library in the amount of $6,874.00 from various donors.
• OK’d a request to hang banner across Main Street for Parent University from Feb. 26, 2018 to March 12, 2018.
• Approved a request to hang banner for the Wakefield Alliance Against Violence White Ribbon program from March 12, 2018 to March 26, 2018.
• Approved a request to accept and expend gifts to the Wakefield World War II Memorial Fund in the amount of $200.00 in memory of Phyllis Hull.
• Approved a request from Hallmark Health for a one-day liquor license for Thursday, May 10, 2018 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Subaru of Wakefield. (Board member Mehreen Butt abstained from the vote.)
• OK’d a request from Wakefield Educational Foundation for a one-day liquor license for the Annual Adult Spelling Bee at the Americal Civic Center on March 2, 2018 from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
• Approved a request from the Albion Cultural Exchange Committee for a Liquor License on March 1 and March 2, 2018.
• Granted a request from Rafa Pizzeria for a Common Victualler License at 927 Main St.
• Approved a request from Rafa Pizzeria for an Entertainment License at 927 Main St.
• Approved a request from Selectman Paul DiNocco for a one-day liquor license on Feb. 27, 2018 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Americal Civic Center. (DiNocco abstained from the vote.)