
NORTH READING — Join the Flint Memorial Library for the next 15 in ‘15 event – Between the Covers “Speed Dating”: Plan A Date with Your Next Book – on Thursday, April 16 at 7 p.m.

Readers will have a chance to discuss what they have been reading during the 15 in ‘15 challenge with one other person for three minutes at a time, before moving on to a new chat. Just like speed dating! But this is not a dating event, it’s a chance to find “single books” to add to your to-read list.

Don’t worry about preparing a book report, Flint Memorial Library staff and volunteers will have talking points to help attendees through the three-minute literary chats.

Register at flintmemoriallibrary.org or by calling the Front Desk at 978–664–4942. Registration is important because each attendee will receive a special gift at the door. Attendees will also receive five raffle tickets for the monthly gift-card drawing and be eligible to win one of several door prizes, including free books from major publishing houses.