Published in the September 1, 2016 edition


NORTH READING — Parents, students, teachers and administrators alike are looking forward to a ho–hum, uneventful first day of school (for a change) on Wednesday, Sept. 7. And well they deserve it.

For the first time in three years, North Reading will not be constructing a new school, demolishing an old one or cutting the ribbon for a new building. There will be no groundbreakings, no new pick–up and drop–off plans to confuse parents and no giant student body photos in the high school gymnasium. 2016 will represent a complete return to normalcy for all involved.

Looking forward to it.

The first day of school for students in grades 1 through 12 is Wednesday, Sept. 7. The orientation program for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students is Thursday and Friday, Sept. 8 and 9, with the first day of school for the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students being Friday, Sept. 9.

There are 20 new teachers joining the public schools this year to fill vacancies created by new positions, retirements and resignations.

The High School leads the parade with 10 new faces: Ana Llamas Castro, Spanish; Maggy Imbert Miller, Spanish; Kelly Moran, physical education; Kate Leitermann, biology; Brittany Cabral, school psychologist; Michaela Rich, special education; Nancy Hall, special education–math; Jon Kiniry, chemistry; Ed Blum, special education, and Jason Oifer, special education.

New faces at the Middle School are: Lauren Fazio, seventh grade world languages; Anne Marie Budden, grade six special education; Kathleen DiCato, special education; Dana Sinerate, video production, and Susan Weir, special education.

There are five new faces in the three elementary schools: Sarah Reczak, Little School special education, grades K–4; Kristin Dee, Batchelder School adjustment counselor; Meghan St. Denis, Hood School psychologist; Dana Howell, BCBA special education, and Kerri Gavin, Batchelder grade four.

These are the school hours for the town’s three elementary and two secondary schools for 2016–17. The Batchelder School will be the “early” elementary school this year and the Hood and Little will be the “late” schools.

• High School: 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Early release at 11 a.m.

• Middle School: 7:55 a.m. to 2:21 p.m. Early release at 11:21 a.m.

• Batchelder School: 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Early release at 11:45 a.m.

• Hood School: 8:55 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. Early release at 12:10 p.m.

• Little School: 8:55 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. Early release at 12:10 p.m.

• Pre–K: A.M.8:15–11:15 a.m. Early Release: No Classes

• Pre–K P.M.: 12–3 p.m. Early Release: No Classes

• Full Day Pre–K: 8:15 a.m.–3 p.m. Early Release: No Classes

• Kindergarten (Batch) A.M. 8:30–11:10 a.m. Early Release: 11:45 a.m.–No PM Class

• Kindergarten (Hood) A.M. 8:55–11:35 a.m. Early Release: 12:10 p.m.–No PM Class

• Kindergarten (Little) A.M: 8:55–11:35 a.m. Early Release: 12:10–No PM Class

Elementary End of Trimester: Nov. 23, March 3, June 26

Secondary End of Quarter: Nov. 4, Jan. 20, March 31, June 26.

Although the middle and high school projects are finished, it doesn’t mean the other schools didn’t come in for some capital improvement over the summer. Hood Elementary School received a great deal of new asphalt paving as phase two of a two–year plan to improve the parking lots and surrounding areas. Also, much of the concrete plaza at the main entrance to the school has been replaced. This enhancement serves to eliminate tripping hazards that presented themselves during the cold-weather months when frost heaves occurred.

At the E. Ethel Little Elementary School, the work to replace the roof of the school began in earnest during the summer months. This project is slated to be completed by the end of September and was funded in part with a grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) that helped supplement a generous contribution from the taxpayers of North Reading.

At North Reading High School, a new “Breakfast Corner” is being created to provide high school students with a contemporary place to enjoy breakfast before the official start of the school day. The “Breakfast Corner” includes a new, large, flat screen television, new high-top café style tables and cell phone charging stations. This project has been funded in part through the generosity of Chartwells, the school district’s contracted Food Services provider.

Also, new this year is a significant increase in the number of electronic devices available for student use. Through the support of the town’s Capital Improvements Planning Committee and a vote of the citizens of North Reading at the June 2016 Town Meeting, the school district has purchased 240 new Chromebooks and plans are in the works to introduce a one-to-on device initiative with students. Details on this will be forthcoming.

At each of the five schools, there has been a good deal of interior painting completed in order to “spruce up” the buildings and keep them in a condition of which we can all be proud.

Coming in September

The annual High School Back to School Night will be held on Sept. 19 and Parents’ Night at the elementary schools will be Sept. 22. The Middle School Back to School night for grades six through 8 will be Sept. 29.

School transportation

Parents new to the district are reminded the North Reading Public Schools have a bus user fee. A discount was applied to passes purchased before Aug. 15. Payments received after Aug. 15 will be $450 (family maximum of $700). One may pay by check or money order. Payments can also be made via credit card online. The online payment link can be found on the district website at Online Payment Center. A small additional fee will be charged for online credit card payments. No cash or credits cards are accepted.

See the “School Busing FAQs” in today’s Back to School Supplement for a complete introduction to the school busing system as well as the school bus stops for all five schools. Also, don’t miss Superintendent Jon Bernard’s “Around the School Yard” column on page four of today’s paper full of more information about the coming school year.