Published in the July 13, 2015 edition

WAKEFIELD — The Board of Health is expected to hold a couple of hearings this week to determine whether two businesses should be penalized for getting caught selling tobacco to minors for the second time.

Andy’s Package Store — the old Jeffrey’s Package Store in the Square — and Tufts Convenience Store, 769 Main St., were two of four businesses failing a tobacco sales compliance check earlier this year coordinated by Tobacco Program Coodinator Maureen Buzby.

Tobacco products were sold to a 16-year-old, out-of-town high school student, Buzby reported to Health Director Ruth L. Clay.

In her June 21 report to Clay, Buzby writes that a pack of Marlboro Lights was sold to the 16-year-old at Andy’s and a Green Game cigar two-pack was sold to the youth at Tufts Convenience Store.

Also allegedly selling tobacco products to the youth in the town’s latest compliance check were Circle K at 448 Salem St. (White Grape Game single cigar) and Stop ‘N Save at 648 Main St. (a Pineapple Game two-pack). However, that was the first offense at those two businesses.

The Board of Health meets at 7 p.m. Wednesday, one day after the Legislature’s Public Health Committee holds hearings of its own on bills regarding tobacco and marijuana use.

One of the bills would prohibit anyone from smoking in a car with a child in a car seat. Anyone violating the ban would face a $100 fine.

Another bill would require makers of electronic cigarettes to file annual reports with the state identifying the concentration of any toxins contained in the vapor produced by an e-cigarette when used as intended by the manufacturer.

The reports would be made public.

Yet another bill would allow a personal caregiver to cultivate marijuana for a qualifying patient until a registered marijuana dispensary opens within a reasonable distance of the patient.

The Public Health Committee hearing is scheduled for Tuesday at 1 p.m.