Published in the August 17, 2016 edition

LYNNFIELD — If you’re not registered to vote, or if you’re new to town and want to vote in the Sept. 8 State Primary, or if you want to change your party enrollment to vote on Sept. 8, the voter registration deadline is Friday, Aug. 19, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Town Clerk’s Office in Town Hall, 55 Summer St.

All persons registered by the Aug. 19 deadline will be eligible to vote in the THURSDAY, Sept. 8 primary. (Please take note of the change in the day that this year’s state primary election is being held. Elections are typically held on Tuesdays, but it was changed this year to Thursday due to the Labor Day holiday.)

The office of Town Clerk Trudy Reid will be open from 8 a.m. to – 5 p.m. on the Aug. 19 deadline day. Reid said her office will close at 5 p.m. rather than 8 p.m. that day because the recent change allowed under Section 75 of Chapter 119 of the Acts of 2015 that was signed into law by Gov. Charlie Baker reduced the extended hours that town clerk’s offices across the state would need to remain open on the voter registration deadline day by three hours.

“You can also log onto to complete an online change or new registration,” by the Aug. 19 deadline, Reid advised, rather than going to Town Hall in person.

The voter registration deadline is also the last day that all voters are allowed to change party affiliation for the state primary. Voters registered as Democrat, Republican, Green-Rainbow and United Independent Party can only receive that party’s ballot.

All other persons registered as Unenrolled or in any other minor political designation may choose one of those four party ballots (D, R, GR, UIP). And all of these voters will automatically revert back to their original status following the primary.

Inactive voters will be required to complete an Affidavit of Current Residency and must provide identification with their name and voting address at the polls on election day. Please check your voter status before the deadline to ensure your “active” enrollment for election day.

Similarly, to be eligible to vote in the State Election on Tuesday, Nov. 8 – when the next president and all other offices will be elected – the last day for voter registration or changing one’s party affiliation is Wednesday, Oct. 19.

The following “gateway” also has all the connecting election links to register to vote online, find your voter status, polling place, or download an absentee ballot affidavit:

For additional information on the voter registration process, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 781-334-9400.