WAKEFIELD — Hemlock Road will be closed Saturday and Sunday, July 27 and 28, for work on drainage systems connecting the Shaun F. Beasley Track and Field area behind the Wakefield Memorial High to the Walsh Field baseball diamond across Hemlock, School Department Facilities Director Tim O’Brien announced at the School Committee meeting Tuesday, June 25.

He also reported work on drainage culverts that stretched under the Meghan Burnett Field at Blatz Park, primarily used for softball, behind the adjacent Woodville School.

In cooperation with the Wakefield Municipal Gas and Light Department, work will also be done to install a back-up power systems for the new high school and new Northeast Metro Tech. Any repaving will likely be temporary because Hemlock will be realigned at the end of the projects.

O’Brien also reported land behind the high school has been raised four feet, which will also help the efficiency of drainage systems and, hopefully, avoid flooding. “Things are going really well,” he feels. “I’m impressed with how the project is being managed.”

Looking after a 64-year-old building has its challenges, but having a new high school will present different ones. “There’ll be fewer emergencies, but there’ll be a lot to learn about managing the building,” O’Brien said in reference to having to learn how systems work and getting a feel for the building, which will probably have its own idiosyncrasies.


Members Kevin Fontanella and Tom Markham and Superintendent Doug Lyons were absent, but a quorum was present and Assistant Superintendent Kara Mauro conducted business. Nevertheless, discussion of some items, including a discussion of school start times and how that would affect bus schedules, were postponed until the next meeting Lyons attends.

On Fontanella’s behalf, member Peter Davis reported he met with the Environmental Sustainability Commission last week and reported he was happy to meet everyone for the first time.

“In addition, there will be a recycling event Saturday, June 29 at the High School from 9-11 a.m. and if anyone has cardboard boxes they want to bring June 29, it would be helpful, and a sports equipment drop off and swap event Saturday, August 3, with the time still to be determined.”

Fontanella also reported the ESC is “also interested in working with Tim about improving our composting plans in our schools for the upcoming year.”


The next School Committee meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, July 16 with subsequent summer meetings Tuesdays August 6 and 20.


They will hold their retreat Saturday, July 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Galvin Middle School and will have Alicia Mallon of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees as a guest speaker. Mallon has taken over contact with the town from Dorothy Presser at the MASC. 

“It’s a public meeting,” Chairman Stephen Ingalls said. “If anyone would like to attend, they are welcome.”