WAKEFIELD — The Planning Board, with support from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council and a community-member advisory board, has launched Wakefield’s Master Plan project. A Master Plan is a strategic framework that guides the Town’s future physical and economic development based on the community’s vision and goals. It provides a roadmap of strategies and recommendations for the next ten years. Last year’s Vision 2030 initiative will serve as the foundation during the in-depth Master Plan process. The project’s first community survey is open through April 27.

The initial public workshop took place on April 6, 2022, and covered land use and zoning as well as open space and recreation. All community members are encouraged to take the corresponding community survey whether they attended the workshop or not. It can be accessed at https://mapc.ma/wmp2033survey1. Paper copies are also available in the entrance vestibule of Town Hall and in the Beebe Library. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

The initiative’s four public workshops will cover a broad range of topics, including land use and zoning; housing; transportation and circulation; open space and recreation; historic and cultural resources; public facilities, town services, and infrastructure; sustainability and climate; and economic development. You can view more information about the project at www.wakefield.ma.us/master-plan.