WAKEFIELD ROTARIANS celebrated the Club’s 99th birthday on Tuesday, Sept. 28 at a meeting held at Brightview Assisted Living. From left: Rotarians Suzanne Bowering, Gene Mullen, Jill McWilliam, Amy Luckiewicz, Barbara Worley, Paul Adams and current President Bruce Donovan. (Gail Lowe Photo)


WAKEFIELD—Wakefield’s Rotary Club celebrated in a big way at its Tuesday, Sept. 28 meeting, held at Brightview Assisted Living. On that day the Club turned 99 years old.

As the Club now enters its 100th year, the “100 Year Committee” will launch a year-long program to honor the organization and its efforts. Rotary International was founded in 1905 in Chicago, Ill.

The 100 year campaign, as outlined by Rotary Past President Amy Luckiewicz during a presentation, has three goals—to recognize 100 years of service and milestones, increase Club engagement and increase public image through local news outlets and social media. Examples include $25,000 for the eradication of polio and the first female Rotary president.

“Each month we will recognize a milestone or achievement,” said Luckiewicz. “It’s amazing to be a part of any organization’s centennial, but especially one that has a hundred years of serving others. Our Club is excited to step into this year with a renewed commitment to service above self.”

Members will be partnered with coaches and asked to commit to one new engagement within seven areas of focus and one engagement for the Club’s benefit. All achievements will be recognized through media and tracked within the Club. The newest area of focus will be on issues related to the green movement and the environment.

Coaches will be responsible for checking in with members to gather information on their commitment projects. Achievements will be reported to Judy and Barbara Worley for recognition. Coaches are Paul Adams, current President Bruce Donovan, Jill McWilliam, Gene Mullen and Tom Stapleton.

As achievements are identified, they will be recognized through print, broadcast and online media, including a WCAT documentary and monthly articles.

At the Club’s meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 12 the “Dine Anywhere in the World” fundraiser will kick off. Last year’s winner was Stephen Sachetta of Lynnfield.

Projects for the 2020-2021 season have included the Boys and Girls Club of Wakefield and Stoneham, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Wakefield Food Pantry, cards for veterans and other programs.