Published July 23, 2019


WAKEFIELD — Among the agenda items that the School Committee is expected to address at its meeting tonight is the latest Open Meeting Law complaint filed against the committee by Daniel Lieber of Elm Street. Under “Chairman’s Comments,” the agenda lists, “Attorney General’s Report and Next Steps.”

Tonight’s meeting will take place at the WCAT Studio behind Wakefield Memorial High School. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. with an executive session for the purpose of receiving a report and recommendation, for a possible vote, from the School Committee Labor Relations Subcommittee on tentative collective bargaining agreements with Wakefield Education Association units B and C, to be effective as follows: Unit B – July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022; and Unit C – September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2022.

If a vote is taken on these union contracts, it will take place in open session, which begins at 7:30 p.m.

Superintendent Douglas Lyons is also expected to address topics including an update on the process of hiring replacements for the School Business Administrator and Food Service Director. Lyons will also talk about other projects being worked on this summer related to both facilities and curriculum.

Summer work for students is another topic that Lyons is expected to discuss, along with an update on the Learn Anywhere program and the School Department’s expected participation in Festival Italia on Aug. 24.

The School Committee is also expected to deal with budget items including business reports, payroll warrants, a summary of gifts/donations received in FY 2019, end of year fund transfers and year-end reports.

The following subcommittee chairs will also update the full School Committee on their recent doings: Finance and Facilities, Labor and Personnel, Student Services and Policy and Planning.