The following statement was submitted by Christopher Hayden, current chairman of the Community Planning Commission and a candidate for re-election in the May 2 Town Election.
I am running for re-election for the North Reading Community Planning Commission, a position I have held since 1998. Over my years of service I have found that my history, knowledge and experience have become increasingly important in this role.
The CPC is an essential board within our town government. Though unpaid, the role of the planning commissioner truly requires the time and effort of a second job, and it is one that I take very seriously. I have been committed to putting in the work to drive thoughtful, long-term planning that will help North Reading grow and thrive. I feel that what I have learned over these years has increased my value as a member of the CPC.
The role of planning commissioner is challenging. We need to know the breadth and limits of our zoning laws as they are determined at Town Meeting, as well as state laws that impact us.
We need to review permitted subdivision and commercial development plans and make sure they abide by those laws for approval. We must negotiate with developers and their legal teams to ensure compliance with the community’s regulations and master plans, exterior designs, and requirements such as setbacks, sidewalks, and any other aspects that affect the greater community. We also must conduct our work in full view of the citizens of North Reading, with public hearings, frequent meetings, reporting, and presentations at Town Meetings.
I know from my frequent conversations with residents that there are some misunderstandings regarding the level of “authority” that the CPC holds. While we do create long-term development plans for the town, as well as propose new regulations that will support those plans, we cannot unilaterally enact those recommendations. That legislative action occurs at our open Town Meetings, essential proceedings in which we encourage all residents to participate, and the results of Town Meeting become the boundaries within which the CPC must operate, whether or not we personally agree with them. That is the job.
My family and I have lived here for more than 30 years. Our children attended our outstanding schools. We pay taxes here and trust me, we don’t enjoy when those costs increase. But we also know that investment in our town now is necessary to ensure our strong future. I am thankful for the support I have received on my re-election bid and proud of the work we have done over these 25 years, and I hope that I will be able to continue that work for this upcoming term.
Please vote on May 2, and please support me again for the Community Planning Commission.
Chris Hayden
The following statement was submitted by Jeff Griffin, candidate for election to a three-year term on the Community Planning Commission in the May 2 Town Election.
My name is Jeff Griffin and I am running for a seat on the Community Planning Commission (CPC) to represent the residents of North Reading. I am asking for your vote.
North Reading has been home for my family for 18 years. My wife Sandy and I raised our four wonderful children, Sara, Joshua, Jeremy, and Sophia, here. They have benefitted from all that North Reading has to offer, an excellent education and good friends. I am sure everyone will agree that North Reading is a great town to raise a family. I want to keep it that way.
Along with my sons Jeremy and Joshua, we operate a locally run small business that provides a full complement of plumbing services. Our office is located on Main Street. Between my family and our business, we are in the heart of this community. It is time to give back.
There are many reasons why I have decided to run for the CPC seat in our local town. Over the past several years, I have talked with all kinds of people right in their kitchen; the elderly, hard working men and women and even young adults about ongoing issues that seem to never go away. They have expressed their frustrations so many times that I thought about how I can be part of a solution, and decided to do something about it. I will bring a fresh set of eyes and have a positive impact on the CPC going forward. As I listen to people and their concerns, my approach will be reasonable and professional.
My decision is also based on my extensive work experience, which gives me the foundation to effectively move forward as a member of the CPC and to offer well-informed direction when making decisions that affect homeowners.
Before establishing my small business, I was employed by National Grid for 27 years and know the nature of the beast. I have vast experience in managing multiple projects, including pipelines, from one town to the next, coordinating efforts between state and local communities, assessing work orders, contracting crews for daily work and emergencies that required immediate attention, and much more. My knowledge in state and local codes, and ordinances will position me to quickly ascertain the intricacies of local needs. The ability to communicate effectively was key to successfully getting work orders completed timely, and cost effectively, especially when managing multiple contractors at various locations.
Owning and operating my own company encompasses multiple skills in communication, organization, professionalism, knowledge of the business and good business practices. I understand the difficulties of the day and have much to offer the town. I care about the people of North Reading and am confident I will offer fresh ideas and energy to the Community Planning Commission.
Again, I humbly ask for your vote on May 2.