SAM MADDEN earned a bronze in the high jump during Melrose’s recent MSTCA Small School State Coaches Final. (courtesy photo)


BOSTON—The Melrose High boy’s track team is primed for success as they prepare for a competitive post season and the 2024 Middlesex League Meet that will be held on Monday at the New Balance Track Center in Boston.

Melrose had a recent appearance at the MSTCA Small School Coaches Meet on Saturday in Boston and gave the state a sample of what the competition might look like when the team embarks on larger opponents in the month of February.

Those landing on the podium included Josh Grant in the 55m with a time of 6.63, Caleb Barnes who placed third in the 1 mile with a best time of 4:30.12, and Sam Madden who made the podium in the high jump for a bronze medal finish 6’2 leap. Those also cracking the top ten included Jad Jamaleddine (8th in the 2 mile) and Adam Caldwell, 9th in the 1000m.

Melrose will prepare for this Monday’s Middlesex League Meet where they will compete against the ML-12 best. Expect Melrose to bring home some hardware, particularly from their talented relay teams.

Those who are competing with Melrose’s best times in their events include:

Josh Grant 55m

Brendan Radzik, 300m, long jump

Sam O’Donnell, 600m

Adam Caldwell, 1000m

Ben Dugan, 1 mile

Caleb Barnes, 2 mile

Giancaro Martinis-Torres, 55m

Sam Madeen, high jump

Ben Cassavoy, shot put

Others competing include Tommy McElligot, Tyler Lecomte, Jevon Ssebugwawo, Jonah Tully, Matt Sarnoski, John Strong, Henry McCormack, Jad Jamaleddine, William Oldham, Max Lanciani, Charlie Finocchiaro, Sebasitan Fiote, and Jack McAree.