Published May 20, 2021


NORTH READING — The Select Board will hold its informational hearing Monday night, May 24 at 8 p.m. on the 32 warrant articles slated for the June 5 Town Meeting. During this hearing, which will be held virtually, the public may ask questions on any of the articles to become better informed in advance of the Annual Town Meeting.
All residents should receive their copy of the warrant in the mail either Friday or Saturday, which explains in detail each article listed below. The link to the warrant on the town’s website was not yet live as the Transcript was going to press on Wednesdays but it will eventually be available at:
The link for Monday’s Zoom meeting is which can be accessed directly prior to the hearing by going to the town’s website (, clicking on the “calendar” tab and opening up the Select Board’s agenda for May 24.
For those who wish to dial in by phone, call 929-205-6099 and enter Meeting ID 834-8595-1445# when prompted.
Town Meeting is scheduled to be held outdoors at 9 a.m. on Saturday, June 5 at the Arthur J. Kenney Field which was scheduled prior to the relaxation of Covid-19 protocols announced by Gov. Charlie Baker on Monday. Chairs will be spaced 6 feet apart on the field and family members may sit together.
Last week the library began allowing in-person browsing by appointment and this week, as of Monday, the Town Hall has resumed limited in-person walk-in hours of operation.
According to Town Administrator Michael Gilleberto, Monday’s opening went smoothly. The Town Hall is open to the public on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Facial coverings are still required to be worn when inside Town Hall. The Senior Center remains closed for programming but is open for in-person appointments by request.
June 5 Town Meeting Warrant:
• Article 1— FY2021 Budget Amendment
• Article 2— Fund FY2021 Snow and Ice Deficit
• Article 3— FY2021 Appropriate Funds to Capital Improvement Stabilization Fund
• Article 4— FY2021 Transfer Funds to Water Stabilization Fund
• Article 5— FY2021 Appropriate Money to Stabilization Fund
• Article 6— FY2021 Transfer Funds to Other Post Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund
• Article 7— FY2021 Transfer Funds to Solid Waste Stabilization Fund
• Article 8— FY2021 Appropriate Funds to Participating Funding Arrangement Fund
• Article 9— Select Town Officers
• Article 10— Hear and Act on Reports of Town Officers and Committees
• Article 11— Authorize Director of Public Works to Accept Easements
• Article 12— Authorize Treasurer to Enter into Compensating Balance Agreement
• Article 13— Authorize Chapter 90 Highway Construction Funds
• Article 14— Prior Year Bills
• Article 15— Home-Rule Petition – Establish Cell Tower Receipts Reserve Fund
• Article 16— FY2021 Operating Budget
• Article 17— Fund Retirement Obligations
• Article 18— Appropriate Funds to Other Post Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund
• Article 19— Transfer Funds to School District Reserve Fund for Unanticipated/Unbudgeted Costs for Special Education, Out-of-District Tuition, or Transportation
• Article 20— Rescind Authorization to Borrow
• Article 21— FY2022 Capital Expenditures
• Article 22— Appropriate Money to Participating Funding Arrangement Fund
• Article 23— Fund Town Building Repairs
• Article 24— Appropriate Money for Special Counsel Legal Expenses
• Article 25— Appropriate Money for Legal Expenses 20 Elm Street Litigation
• Article 26— Amend Code of North Reading: Chapter 66-Finance – Add School Rental Revolving Fund
• Article 27— Establish Dollar Amount for School Rental Revolving Fund
• Article 28— Amend Dollar Amounts for Various Revolving Funds
• Article 29— Amend Code – Zoning Bylaws – Add Section Small Cell Wireless Facilities
• Article 30— Amend Code – Zoning Amendments – Addition of Senior Housing Overlay Zoning District and Related Amendments
• Article 31— Citizens’ Petition: Amend Zoning Bylaws: Map 18, Parcels 13, 14 and 15
• Article 32— Amend Code – Zoning Bylaws – Section 200-30 Zoning Map – 4, 12 and 14 Concord Street.