LYNNFIELD — St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Lynnfield, 127 Summer St., is hosting the following services and activities over Holy Week and Easter.

On Thursday, March 28 at 7 p.m., there will be a Maundy Thursday service to commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus and the Disciples. The service will include Holy Eucharist, Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar. The St. Paul’s Choir, led by Music Director/Organist Larry Kamp, will provide music and lead congregational hymns.

At 12 p.m. on Good Friday, March 29, St. Paul’s will have a service of Stations of the Cross. The 14 Stations of the Cross, portrayed on images around the St. Paul’s sanctuary, depict events which took place during the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. In this service, scripture readings are read tied to each of 14 stations, echoing the events in a quiet and introspective setting.

On Good Friday at 7 p.m., St. Paul’s will have a Good Friday commemoration with Tenebrae. The word “Tenebrae,” Latin for darkness or shadows, has referred for centuries to ancient monastic night and early morning services on the last three days of Holy Week. During this service, candles and other lights in the church are gradually extinguished until only a single candle, symbolizing Jesus, remains. Choral music and congregational hymns, along with readings, form the service. Performing the music of Robert G. Farrell, John IV of Portugal, Michael Horvit, Thomas Morley, Ola Gjeilo and Samuel Barber, will be the soloists of the Choir of Saint Paul’s: Addison Pattillo (soprano), Carli Mazich Addice (mezzo soprano), Fernando Gaggini (tenor) and Sehjin Ho (bass). Mr. Kamp will serve as organist and conductor.

On Easter Sunday, March 31, St. Paul’s will have a Festival Holy Eucharist beginning at 10 a.m., with choral music and congregational hymns. An Easter Egg Hunt for children will follow the service.

More information about St. Paul’s is available at or by calling the church office at 781-334-4594.