LYNNFIELD — MarketStreet Lynnfield is looking to make some adjustments to a street and parking spaces located at the northern portion of the property.
WS Development Associates Asset Strategy and Development Vice President Katherine Wetherbee stated in a letter sent to Planning and Conservation Director Emilie Cademartori and the Planning Board that MarketStreet is requesting a “minor change to the site plan for a parking lot and road configuration” at the back of the development between Alchemy and La Gallina.
“The proposed change provides additional stop locations for vehicles, shifts a crosswalk, reduces the overall roadway width (which will create a slight increase in landscaping), removes some restricted vehicular movements and reorients parking,” Wetherbee stated in the letter. “This proposed adjustment to the layout and circulation patterns will allow for more traditional movement through the intersection and adjacent roadways for both vehicles and pedestrians.”
Wetherbee stated that the updated roadway configuration proposal will “support stores and restaurants at the north end of the property.” She also said the minor site plan change will “improve the customer experience at both the pedestrian and vehicular level.”
While showing the Planning Board an aerial view of MarketStreet during a recent meeting, Wetherbee noted that drivers currently cannot make a left turn to head towards La Gallina if they are coming from Wahlburgers. She said the stores located at the northern part of MarketStreet have struggled compared to the stores that are located in more accessible parts of the development.
“Part of that is it’s really tough to get there,” said Wetherbee. “We have been working with our civil engineer, Stantec, about some different ways to address it.”
Wetherbee stated in the letter that the additional stop signs that will be installed at the northern end of the property will “create improved pedestrian crossings at all locations, and also allow for the introduction of practical vehicular movements.” She said the reconfigured roadway will allow cars to turn “left down Market Street from in front of Alchemy, and proceeding straight from beside the north side of Wahlburgers towards La Gallina.”
“This will increase access to/from MarketStreet from the ring road — allowing customers wishing to visit the north end of the property more options on their route to their destination through the property,” Wetherbee stated. “The realignment of the roadway will also allow for an increased sidewalk width, which is proposed to primarily include landscaping, including the addition of a tree. The center rumble strip is proposed to be removed.”
Additionally, Wetherbee stated that the parking spaces located at the back of the development will be “reoriented.”
Wetherbee said during the Planning Board meeting that the minor modification to the street will create a “more traditional intersection.”
“We are going to have more pedestrian crossings,” said Wetherbee.
In response to a question from Cademartori, Wetherbee said cars frequently drive over the graded rumble strip that is located at the back of the development. She called the current roadway configuration “very awkward.”
Wetherbee said MarketStreet will post signs about the new traffic pattern if the project moves forward.
Planning Board member Amy MacNulty inquired if the revamped street and sidewalk configuration will expand Alchemy’s patio.
“Not at this time,” said Wetherbee. “The sidewalk will become wider, and the crosswalk will remain in the same location.”
Planning Board member Ed Champy noted that a number of drivers frequently make U-turns at the back of the development. He inquired if a turning lane could be created.
“It’s going to be congested,” said Champy. “I think the primary reason people drive towards the end is because they can’t turn earlier. I understand the goal of trying to drive traffic to the other stores, but I am thinking a relief turn could be created. My instinct tells me there is not enough room between the stops and the amount of cars. It’s not as traditional as a four-way stop.”
Wetherbee said motorists make the U-turns because they “cannot access the stores on the other side” of MarketStreet.
“We worked with our civil engineer, and looked at a couple of different options,” said Wetherbee. “We came to the conclusion that having multiple stops, particularly with the pedestrian crossings, was the best way to do it. Even with the stops today, people are moving kind of quickly. We are hoping that having the more traditional stops will help people get used to the fact it’s a regular intersection.”
Wetherbee said MarketStreet security frequently conducts traffic at the outdoor mall. She said police details could be hired once the reconfigured roadway opens to make sure people “understand” where they are supposed to be driving.
Planning Board Chair Brian Charville and Planning Board member Page Wilkins both suggested that Wetherbee discuss the updated roadway configuration plan with Police Chief Nick Secatore.
Wetherbee supported the request.
While the Planning Board did not approve the updated roadway configuration plan, the board voted to classify the proposed change as a minor modification to MarketStreet’s site plan.
Charville was pleased that MarketStreet has been “as busy as it has ever been.”
“We are doing really well right now,” said MarketStreet General Manager Charlotte Woods. “We are having a great winter.”
Wetherbee said MarketStreet Lynnfield will be holding a 10th anniversary celebration later this year. The outdoor mall opened in August 2013.