MEMBERS PARTICIPATING IN arts and crafts at Society meeting.


MELROSE — Melrose Arts and Crafts Society had their monthly meeting on Monday, March 18 at the First Baptist Church, 561 Main St. Two classes were offered: Kim Fields and Cindy Watkins worked on Easter Bunny nail art; Lori Rossi taught quilling; and other members helped with stuffing teddy bears.

The general meeting followed the classes. President Georgette Petraglia asked for volunteers for President for the next two years, as the nominating committee will bring the slate to the April 22 meeting. Most of the offices are filled. The dues for next year was discussed: $25 and checks to be given to the Treasurer. The Presidents Luncheon is May 27 and checks can be given to Georgette.

Next month’s meeting is Monday, April 22 at 9 a.m. If you are interested in arts and crafts, consider joining Melrose Arts and Crafts Society. For more information, call our Membership Chair Dorothy Iudice at 781-662-2099. See you in April!