MELROSE — And here’s your SAVE-THE- DATE — October 8 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Friends of the Milano Center cannot tell you how happy they are to make this announcement after a COVID hiatus of more than 2 years.

The donation will remain at $25 and your check may be made out to the Friends of the Milano Center. Many of you may remember that we are a 501(c)(3) fundraising group which will make your donation a tax deduction for you.

The deadline to register is Monday, September 26 by 12 noon. You may also register by completing the online application and mail or drop off your application and payment at the Milano Center, 201 West Foster Street. Sorry, no online payments. The Milano Center building is a Carriage House located at the rear of the Beebe Estate.

Other options are you may stop by the Milano Center Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pm, complete the form on site and pay in person, or take it with you, complete it, and mail it or drop it off with your payment and the application. A second option is you may visit at the Victorian Fair on September 11 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and register by cash or check at our Milano Center booth.

After the organization has received the application and $25 donation, it will be putting together a map of the City showing your location and the maps will be available to potential shoppers for free at various locations around the city which will be in future articles.

A spokesperson said the group hopes “that you, our supporters, our patrons, and our shoppers know how pleased we are to be bringing back this very popular event. Neighborhood clusters are very popular and yard sales  and some of you may want to consider having a group cluster.”