Published in the July 26, 2018 edition.
WAKEFIELD — The School Committee welcomed two new district leaders this week. Kara Mauro will be the new Assistant Superintendent and Matthew Carter will head Wakefield Academy.
School Superintendent Douglas Lyons introduced Mauro and Carter at Tuesday’s School Committee meeting.
“I could not be happier to to be able to hire such talented people to be part of our executive team,” Lyons said.
Mauro comes from the Lynnfield school system where she served as Director of Student Services. She told the School Committee that her primary role in Lynnfield involved special education, but she was also involved in other areas like English Language learning, integrated preschool, guidance and nursing, METCO support, data collection and grant writing for the district.
As a result, she said, she was able to see the district in a wide variety of ways. She said that the skills of collaboration and working with others that she gained in Lynnfield will translate well to her new position in Wakefield.
Mauro said that she was familiar with the Wakefield school system as a Wakefield resident and parent of two children.
As the new leader of Wakefield Academy, Carter will oversee the program’s extended day programs that cater to working families by providing a safe environment for students both before and after school with enrichment programs designed to meet the needs and interests of all students.
Three years ago, Carter was a finalist for the position of principal of the Walton School. A native of Canada, carter has taught high school and middle school, working in Lawrence and Milton, Mass. as well as Alberta, Canada. He also ran the the before and after school enrichment program in Lawrence.
In addition to his Wakefield Academy duties, Carter will be involved with the schools’ emergency management program and working with district data.
He is a graduate of the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s School Leadership Program.