Published in the November 10, 2017 edition

MELROSE — Scott Macaulay knows how to have a good time and bring others along for the ride.

Each Thanksgiving, Scott puts on a free Thanksgiving dinner for anyone who is going to be alone on the holiday. Dozens of people show up, some well before the dinner begins, while others stay until Scott is about to turn the lights out.

This year will mark the 32nd time Scott has put on the full feast. It will be held at the Green Street Baptist Church, 179 Green St.

Scott said he will put out crackers and cheese and chips and dip anytime after 12 noon.

He will begin serving hot hors d’oeuvres after 12:30 p.m.

He then will put on a candlelight Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings at 1 p.m.

The tables will be covered with cloth linens. Scott usually sets up a couple of fireplaces and a wood stove to make the church space feel like a living room. And, of course, there will be all kinds of desserts.

The only requirement to attend this event: “If you need a place to go to be with other people. You don’t have to be by yourself eating dinner off a plate in front of the TV. A lot of times what happens is those planning to come get a better offer and end up somewhere else. If they don’t, they spend Thanksgiving with me,” Macaulay said.

That is, with him and dozens of others. Last year he served dinner for 66 people. The highest number he’s ever entertained in 83.

He needs to have a general idea about how many people to buy food for, so make your reservation for this awesome event by Monday, Nov. 20. Call Scott at 781-662-7235.

You’ll be glad you did.