WAKEFIELD — The school board voted unanimously last Tuesday night to approve increases in salary ranges for positions not represented by a union.

The assistant superintendent position currently held by Dr. Kim Smith was boosted from a range of between $95,000-$120,000 to $110,000- $140,000.


• Special Education Coordinator: $65,000-$80,000 to $70,000-$90,000.

• Director of Technology: $80,000-$90,000 to $85,000-$105,000

• Director of School Facilities and Transportation: $70,000-$90,000

• Galvin Middle School Principal $100,000-$110,000 to $100,000 to $120,000.

The Superintendent of School position will remain at between $120,000 and $170,000.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Stephen K. Zrike pointed out that the salaries are in line with what other communities similar to Wakefield pay professionals in their school districts.


Teachers in Wakefield interested in pursuing leadership positions are being given a unique opportunity to reach their goals.

Dr. Zrike at last Tuesday’s school board meeting announced that the district is partnering with Lesley College to present a three-part series that will focus on facets of teacher leadership, communication skills for leadership roles, how to reframe issues, the role of teachers as advocates and problems, dilemmas and root causes.

The course will be led by Lesley College faculty and will run from Monday, June 29 through Wednesday, July 1 from 9 a.m. to noon at the Galvin Middle School.

There is no cost for the course and participants will be awarded PDPs (Professional Development Points).


School board members approved a gift of 15 computers valued at $1,500 from Harmonix Music Systems in Cambridge. The computers are without monitors and will be used to replace older models throughout the district.