LYNNFIELD — The annual Town Meeting warrant booklet is now available on the town’s website by going to this link: or by clicking here.

The 2015 Town Meeting warrant includes both the Fiscal Year 2016 operating and capital budgets for the town proposed by the Board of Selectmen and the budget with explanatory notes and warrant article recommendations of the Finance Committee, as well as all of the other warrants to be considered by the voters.

Copies of the warrant are also available at the Town Clerk’s office at Town Hall, 55 Summer St., and at the Lynnfield Public Library. Those who cannot obtain a booklet online or a paper copy at either the Town Hall or the library and who wish to have a booklet sent to them, please contact Finance Committee Chairman Jack Dahlstedt at

The annual Town Meeting will be held on Monday, April 27 at the Lynnfield Middle School at 7:30 p.m. All registered voters of the town of Lynnfield are eligible to attend, participate in discussion and debate, and vote on all warrant items.

A quorum of 175 voters is required for Town Meeting to commence.