The following is a letter to the community from Interim Superintendent of Schools John J. Macero:

Dear Melrose School Community, Caregivers & Students,

Welcome back! I sincerely hope you all had a relaxing summer vacation. Personally, it has been a joy these last two months transitioning into Melrose. As each day passes I become more excited to be a part of Melrose’s future. I am extremely honored to serve our children as Interim Superintendent and I look forward to a successful school year.

Over the past two months the DPW and custodial staff has been very busy preparing for the return to school.  Custodial staff has aggressively attacked our buildings to ensure they are ready for the opening of school. Besides the usual deep cleaning of all schools, the following Capital work has been completed or will be completed very soon:

Franklin School:  Completed – asbestos removal of ceiling and floor tiles, and window replacements in six classrooms on the 3rd floor. To be completed – new stair treads.

Hoover School: Completed – new roof, and asbestos removal of ceiling and floor tiles.

To be completed – new stair treads and installation of solar panels

Horace Mann School:  Completed – new roof, and asbestos removal of ceiling and floor tiles.  To be completed –  installation of solar panels

Winthrop School:  Completed – asbestos removal of ceiling and floor tiles.

Melrose High School – Completed – replacement of two elevators, and upgrade of two walk-in coolers. Replacement of turf at The Fred Green Field.

We are very thankful to the City of Melrose for these major improvements to our schools, and to DPW and our custodial staff for their commitment to making sure our schools are ready.

Our principals, assistant principals, directors, central office personnel & administrative assistants have worked tirelessly with our city partners to provide for a smooth opening of school. I applaud their efforts and thank them for their dedication to Melrose.

The first day of school for students will be Wednesday, August 30th.  There is no school on Friday, September 1st. School will resume after the Labor Day holiday, on Tuesday, September 5th.

In closing, I look forward to meeting you all at various school events and around the community, and I wish the best of luck to our students as we venture into a new school year.

Go Melrose!!!