THE TALENTED ARTISTS at Follow Your Art Community Studios do great work and some of it is on display in February at the Big Yellow House, 647 Main St. The group held an outdoor event last fall as artists worked with chalk on sidewalks. It was a lot of fun and resulted in some impressive designs. (Photos by Raj Das,


MELROSE — Follow Your Art Community Studios (FYACS) invites the public view FLIGHT: FYACS Members Exhibition on view in The Gallery at the Big Yellow House, 647 Main St. in Melrose, running from February 2 through February 26.

All are welcome to the opening reception for the exhibit on Friday, February 9 from 6 to 8 p.m. This exhibit features visual works including paintings, fashion and ceramics by FYACS members of all ages. The gallery is open to the public six days a week, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Follow Your Art Community Studios is a non-profit arts organization whose mission is to support creative endeavors for all ages and abilities with opportunities for learning, growth, discovery and outreach through visual arts, writing and performance. Learn more at