Published in the October 29, 2015 edition
NORTH READING — The North Reading Police Department has issued the following Halloween Safety Tips to make the night enjoyable and safe for all members of the family.
Suggested Trick or Treat times: 6 to 8 p.m.
• Make up is better than masks, as masks can obstruct a child’s vision.
• Always test make up in a small area first. Remove it before bedtime to prevent possible skin and eye irritation.
• Parents should make certain that all costumes are nonflammable and provide adequate ventilation and visibility. Reflective tape can be attached to costumes or candy bags.
• Swords, knives and other costume accessories should be short, soft and flexible.
While out trick or treating:
• Trick or treaters should always be in groups and parents should accompany young children.
• Flashlights and glow sticks are a great tool to alert motorists that children are walking and can assist in helping to illuminate the path of trick or treaters.
• Under no circumstances should children go into anyone’s home. There is no reason for a child to be invited into the home of a person they do not know.
• Parents should have a map routed out so it is known where older children are trick or treating.
• Don’t eat any treats before they have been examined by an adult for choking hazards or tampering.
Adults and older kids that will be attending Halloween parties should remember:
• Many young children are out for the evening, especially during the peak hours of 5:30–7 p.m., so drive slowly!
• Don’t drive a vehicle while wearing any sort of mask. Your visibility could be obscured.
• To have a designated driver if attending an adult Halloween party where alcohol is served.