FIRST RESPONDERS from North Reading and Wilmington examine the exterior of Building 102 in the Edgewood Apartment complex after an SUV rolled in reverse with a child inside, striking an exterior closet. (Dave Richards Photo)



NORTH READING — By a stroke of luck, or grace, no one was injured when an SUV with a child inside rolled in reverse and struck an Edgewood Apartment building last Wednesday night.

Several 911 calls were receive by the North Reading Police Department just before 8 p.m. on July 28 about the accident with unknown injuries.

Police and Fire personnel from North Reading as well as first responders from Wilmington went to the scene.

According to Det. Lt. Thomas Romeo, the 2021 Toyota Highlander “was put into reverse by the child and the vehicle traveled in total about 25-30 feet.”

“The vehicle’s right rear door was open so when it was backing up after being put into reverse the door struck a tree and forced the vehicle off the paved area and turned into the building, down a slight grade,” he said.

Romeo explained that the child “was attempting to move the car closer to their apartment to help load some packages with his mom.” His mom, however, was unaware (her) child was able to start the vehicle as she had the key fob on her, but she was standing close enough for it to work.”

Damage from the accident was limited to structural damage to an outside water tank located in an outside closet at 102 Lowell Road on the ground level.

Both the building inspector and the electrical inspector were called to the scene and determined that the building was safe and could be occupied.

The SUV was towed after the area was photographed and inspected by the building inspector.