Published in the September 24, 2015 editiontasteofNR_924

NORTH READING — Sample food from over a dozen North Reading restaurants, enjoy live music, browse a silent auction and raffles – all while helping to feed others in our community. What better way to spend your evening?

Aldersgate Church is hosting a benefit dinner for the North Reading Food Pantry at the Hillview Country Club Friday, October 2 (doors open 6 p.m., dinner begins at 7 p.m.). “The Phat 8 Swing Band” featuring vocalist Maureen Pilot will entertain everyone during the evening, and all profits from the dinner ticket price will be donated to the North Reading Food Pantry (advance tickets $25, door price $30).

At press time, local restaurant partners include: China Cuisine, Ginger Gourmet, Hornet’s Nest, Hillview Country Club, Horseshoe Grille, Joe Fish, Kitty’s Restaurant, Mario’s Restaurant, Mike’s Famous Roast Beef and Pizza, Nan’s Center Cafe, Ryer’s Store and Theresa’s Grille 19.

To reserve advance tickets, for more information, or to make your tax–deductible contribution visit the church’s website or call 978–790–6492.