STATE REPRESENTATIVE Brad Jones (left) with Wakefield Town Councilor Ed Dombroski. (Courtesy of the Dombroski Campaign)

The following was submitted by the Ed Dombroski campaign.

READING – State Representative and Minority Leader Brad Jones recently announced his endorsement of state Senate candidate and current Wakefield Town Councilor Ed Dombroski in advance of the November 8th general election.  Representative Jones serves the people of the Twentieth Middlesex District, which includes the communities of Reading, North Reading, and parts of Lynnfield and Middleton, in the Massachusetts House of Representatives.  Dombroski is running to represent the Fifth Middlesex District in the State Senate, which includes the communities of Reading, Malden, Stoneham, Melrose, Wakefield, and Winchester.

“I appreciate Ed’s years of municipal experience and am impressed by his deep understanding of the issues that matter most to the residents of our communities,” said Representative Jones.  “That local experience is a real asset he would bring to the Legislature. I know Ed will be a dedicated and effective voice for the 5th Middlesex District and I look forward to working with him to deliver results for our communities.”
Councilor Dombroski has served on the Wakefield Town Council for six years, following three years serving on the Wakefield Finance Committee.
“I am honored to receive Representative Jones’ endorsement,” said Dombroski. “Representative Jones has been a thoughtful, effective leader in the House, providing a strong, practical voice for the people he serves.  I look forward to being an effective counterpart in the Senate, as we share many of the same goals moving forward, including immediate tax relief to individuals and small businesses, combatting inflation and the rising cost of living, and reforming our broken formulas around education funding.”
Dombroski added that maintaining good relationships with legislators is a crucial aspect of representing constituents, saying, “If elected, I look forward to working with Representative Jones and all members of the state Legislature to fight for priorities that help individuals, not partisan political agendas.  There is so much more that unites us than divides us, and our legislators must work together to ensure the issues that matter to our constituents are squarely in focus.  Constituents expect and deserve leaders who will deliver results.”
Councilor Dombroski added, “Residents of the Fifth Middlesex District have seen enough partisan-driven ideology being advanced ahead of their priorities – it is past time for residents to start seeing results that put more of their hard-earned money back in their wallets, that fix their broken roads, and that make our district the best place to live and work in Massachusetts.”
Dombroski is an attorney and small business owner.  He is endorsed by Governor Charlie Baker. More information can be found at