Important information for voters

WAKEFIELD — The last day to request that a March 5 Presidential Primary Election ballot be mailed to you is tomorrow, Tuesday, February 27, 2024.

This date was printed, in red ink, on the “I WANT TO VOTE” card.

As of Sunday, February 25, 3477 requests have been received and the ballots have been mailed to those who requested them.  There are 173 requests that could not be sent because a political party had not been selected.

If a registered voter is Unenrolled (Independent), a specific ballot must be selected for each Primary Election. The town has neither an e-mail address nor a telephone number on file for these voters. The town is unable to contact them.  The “Unenrolled” status DOES NOT CHANGE.

If you have not received your ballot in the mail, per your request, please contact the Town Clerk’s office as soon as possible.  The phone number is 781-246-6383.

Requests for ballots and those ballots that are being returned can be mailed, dropped off in either of the two mailboxes, located in the parking lot of Town Hall, or delivered to the Town Clerk’s office.

It must be noted, that mail is processed in Woburn, regardless of whether it is mailed in Wakefield or not.  It takes more than a few days to reach the Town Clerk’s office.

Again, the last day to request that a ballot be sent to you is Tuesday, February 27, 2024.  The last day to vote in person is Friday, March 1, 2024. 

On Tuesday, March 5 the polls will open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.  The polls are located at the Galvin Middle School, 525 Main St.