LYNNFIELD — The Sagamore Spring Golf Club over-55 development project is beginning to move forward.

Select Board Chairman Joe Connell recalled during last week’s meeting that the Sagamore Spring Real Estate Trust and luxury development company Toll Brothers have finalized the purchase-and-sale agreement that will allow the firm to construct 66 detached two-bedroom homes as part of an over-55 development. Toll Brothers will be constructing the over-55 development on 36 acres on the Sagamore Spring Golf Club’s eastern side that encompasses the driving range and undeveloped land that is adjacent to the first and second fairways.

Connell said Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 61B required the trust to inform the town that it was going to sell the property to Toll Brothers, which in turn would be converting the driving range and undeveloped land to over-55 housing.

“Because the use is for recreational purposes, the owners must offer the town the right to purchase the land under state law,” said Connell.

As part of a development agreement the Select Board signed with the Sagamore Spring Real Estate Trust last October, Connell recalled that the board agreed to waive its right of first refusal that would prevent the possibility of the town buying the property or assigning it to a different organization.

“The board has agreed not to exercise its rights,” said Connell.

Sagamore Spring Real Estate Trustee Richard Luff noted that the notice of intent was “procedural at this point” because the 2022 Fall Town Meeting approved two zoning changes associated with the over-55 project.

Connell said he was “very happy” the Sagamore project is beginning to move forward.

“I have had people approaching who are interested in buying one of the townhouses down there,” said Connell.

Select Board member Phil Crawford agreed.

“I am looking forward to the development getting going,” said Crawford.

Luff thanked the Select Board for supporting the over-55 project.

“Thanks for your continued support,” said Luff. “I am looking forward to working together again throughout this whole process.”

After the discussion, the Select Board unanimously voted not to exercise the town’s option to purchase the 1301 Main Street land.

“Congratulations and best of luck,” said Connell.

The 2022 Fall Town Meeting approved Article 6, which amended the Zoning Bylaw’s definition for an Elderly Housing (EH) District by allowing detached units and amenities such as a clubhouse, by a 299-54 vote. The proposed development will include a clubhouse containing an outdoor swimming pool, fitness center and a common area for residents to use.

Voters also approved Article 7 at the 2022 Fall Town Meeting, which rezoned the eastern side of the golf course from Residence D to Elderly Housing, by a 290-66 vote.

In the wake of last year’s Fall Town Meeting approving the two zoning changes, the trust has agreed to permanently protect 9.4 acres of land located on the golf course’s western side that abuts the Lynnfield Center Water District’s well fields. The Sagamore Spring Real Estate Trust has also agreed to a 25-year development restriction for the remaining areas of the golf course’s western side.

As part of a separate development agreement, the Lynnfield Center Water District will be receiving an easement along the golf course’s southern border. LCWD Superintendent John Scenna told ratepayers at last week’s Annual Meeting the easement will be used connect the Main Street and Glen Drive stations to treat PFAS. Ratepayers approved the revised $17 million Glen Drive treatment plant project last week, which will be treating iron, manganese and PFAS.

Toll Brothers will need to receive a Special Permit from the Planning Board in order for the over-55 project to move forward. The 2019 Fall Town Meeting voted to amend the Zoning Bylaw, which made the Planning Board the Special Permit granting authority for Elderly Housing Zoning Districts.

“The expectation is the Planning Board process will begin this fall,” said Luff in an interview with the Villager.